About Us
We provide complete professional services in Film Production area.
ROMEOfilms is a Czech film production company initially founded in Prague in 2008, which has expanded its activity into Slovak region since 2013. Since 2015 the production of TV programs and series has gone to the background. Commercials and music videos are shot for special occasions only. Quality feature films and documentaries with a cultural asset for audience have become the primary focus of Romeofilms company.

The main figure of Romeofilms is Michal Romeo Dvořák a Czech film and TV director and producer currently living in Slovakia. Michal comes from Prague and he is still dedicated to conceptual art that he studied at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design. He is also a significant figure of Czech and Slovak hip-hop scene, he has painted graffiti and he has shot several Czech and Slovak key music videos, documentaries and DVDs. He led a TV music chart „T-Music“ for five years. He is also a co-founder of an art group ‘’Ztohoven’, he participated on a formation of Prague Center of Alternative Culture ‘Trafacka’ and supported a career commencement of ‘Kontrafakt‘ band (he shot their first music videos).
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Romeofilms s.r.o.
Bajkalská 9/B
Bratislava 831 04
+421 948 201 011